We Are Committed

Buffalo Dan is committed to low impact humane bison farming that preserves a species,
restores an ecosystem, and produces high quality bison meat.

Preserving A Species

We strive to maintain the genetic diversity of wild bison. We do not practice selective breeding for traits such as high meat production or gentleness. The bison on our farm are 100% wild and natural bison.

Restoring An Ecosystem

For Buffalo Dan restoring bison to the land is part of our larger effort to restore the ecosystem. We've combine low-intensity rotational grazing with native plant restoration to create an enriched, healthier soil.

Humane Treatment

We hold humane treatment of animals above profits. We do not wean calves from their mothers, or crowd bison in feedlots. Bison have existed for thousands of years without human interference and we allow bison to be bison.

Quality Meat

Bison meat is lean, tender, and slightly sweeter than beef. Properly handled bison meat should never taste "gamey." In our opinion there are three factors that determine the quality of any meat: 1) the diet of the animal, 2) the treatment of the animal prior to and during harvest, and 3) proper handling of the meat after slaughter. Buffalo Dan's bison are 100% grass-fed, field harvested humanely, and processed by an experienced local butcher.

Join Our Journey

When you buy from Buffalo Dan, you are more than just a customer to us, you become a part of our journey to preserving a species and the planet we live in.